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The greatest raid ever! we should raid Undercity!

The greatest raid ever! we should raid Undercity!
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I think we should team up with Invictus, Trib, Idiocracy, and Vision and do a 200 man raid on UC...sylvanas would die.

Quote by Talanthys
I think we should team up with Invictus, Trib, Idiocracy, and Vision and do a 200 man raid on UC...sylvanas would die.

Actually it would only take about 50-100 to kill her. My old guild Senate II raided UC. We scouted it with our horde toons for a few days trying to find a way to her quicker. We found a way. There is a section of UC where there is Noone! just an empty corridor. We had 2 60 locks, a 60 pally(to heal locks), a 60 rogue(me, in stealth for help) and 2 60 druids(in stealth to rez locks in that room) try to make it to this room and die or just leave combat somehow and log our toons in there for a day to let horde settle down. The next day we logged onto our toons and we summoned our whole raid into this room. Healer to each group fully potted. From this room its not long til the Sylvannas room so we made our charge and killed all the guards along the way easily. Then as we reached the Sylvannas room we got ganked because some Pug ratted us out. Some of us got to Sylvannas to attack. Would have been fun if horde werent waiting for us. Very easy to do.


If SSC is any indication, I'm pretty sure we'd all just wipe on the elevator (or maybe just me).

Quote by Sentinal
Actually it would only take about 50-100 to kill her. My old guild Senate II raided UC. We scouted it with our horde toons for a few days trying to find a way to her quicker. We found a way. There is a section of UC where there is Noone! just an empty corridor. We had 2 60 locks, a 60 pally(to heal locks), a 60 rogue(me, in stealth for help) and 2 60 druids(in stealth to rez locks in that room) try to make it to this room and die or just leave combat somehow and log our toons in there for a day to let horde settle down. The next day we logged onto our toons and we summoned our whole raid into this room. Healer to each group fully potted. From this room its not long til the Sylvannas room so we made our charge and killed all the guards along the way easily. Then as we reached the Sylvannas room we got ganked because some Pug ratted us out. Some of us got to Sylvannas to attack. Would have been fun if horde werent waiting for us. Very easy to do.

That was fun...We really should do it again.

"If what you're seeing is an open book...Thats great. Well, I'm an open book. But I'm real shy." ~Blue October, "The Answer"
Count me in!

the fact they were little gnomes made the video

I'd go if we did something like that.


/bump for fun


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