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Mindi, you crack me up girl. I miss you already! If I decide to ever hop back on Whisp and take a journey to My Little Village like I mentioned in my other thread, I'd love for you to come! Oh and as for not getting any, you should send some cowboy boots, a big silver belt buckle, and a slick black cowboy hat to your man in Wallnut Creek and get his ass to Texas as soon as possible.

For the sake of simplicity, I am going to refer to Xeamae/Ferarro/Diviniti as Diviniti since it looks like she has declared her main.

When Sam first invited Diviniti to the guild, he was under the assumption that Div would bring in her level 70s when they were restored after the account hijacking. So, the Diviniti toon was concidered an alt at first. I'm sure that this is where the misunderstanding comes from. Xeamae as a too no longer exists. And in fact it would probably be a good idea to issue Div a Member acount on the web site based on her new name - Diviniti. She was brought into the guild as my friend and the toon she has chosen to develop is already a member of Dragon Army. Just watch - it won't be long before Grum has a really excellent priest to add to his rotation! Diviniti will grow to become an excellent member of DA's raiding team. Not because she is a charity case or in need of guidance from another experienced player. But, because she is in her own right a very experienced player who knows this ins and outs of this game so well that she is quick to master particular classes. She's already part of the DA family.

I'm sure that Diviniti doesn't need me to speak for her. And in fact I'm rather surprised at myself for hopping on and engaging in this converstation. But, I need to be honest and candid. I love this guild and so many of the people in it, as I am sure you know. And I love Diviniti - she has been a friend that I have held close for a very long time; all through her years with Myst, Channel 5 News, Deception, and Valorous. I'd always dreamed that she and I would sink our teeth together into raids as part of a guild like this - and have a ball doing it. Unfortunately, that doesn't look like it will ever happen. The universe does have an ironic sense of humor after all. But, it pleases me to know that Diviniti can enjoy herself and grow as part of my favorite guild. And also that my favorite guild will in some way become stronger with the inclusion of my old friend as part of the team. That thought just seems to feel good to me in some strange Karmic way. It's like...well....if you are going to lose me, at least you gain someone better in her.

I'm sure that I didn't need to say anything - this will all work itself out as it is meant to. But hey, I like to be of help if I can.


Kara is very ad-hoc. It's not much different than calling out for a heroic run. The Thursday off-night is a good time to bring it up. Or on weekends. You might sometimes see a run start after a progression raid to on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I'd advise throwing the question out on Guild Chat during those times and see if anyone wants to bite. Grumbelly is a great guy and the priest CL. He might be able to help get something organized if you whisper him. I recall Samgaygangie helping me in such a way when I was new to the guild - since I hadn't known many of the players at the time. So Sam is also a great place to go if you need help or guidance. I'd hit up Mindi as well on Moraylvane. She's a fireball just like you and always willing to help a member of the family - especially after she has had a chance to beat one of her man-slaves. hehe You can also check with Guynamedsue (or his alt Tiddlywinks). He is as gentle a soul as you can find and always in the know as to what is going on. Any one of these people can point you to someone who is running Kara.

I wish that I could have helped you myself. I would have enjoyed that. But, I know that you will find great friends in DA who will be there to offer you a hand when you need it. That's what they did for me.

Be safe...


Honestly, I would love for my paladin to be my main, but it's 20 levels behind my priest and for simplicity's sake, I'd tag Diviniti as our mains. Soon as we get to 70, we'll see if we can get our Kara attunements a.s.a.p. without bothering anyone.

Sorry about being a bit low-key. I do my best to stay under the radar and just go along playing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. In this case, it's a refreshing surprise that it has.
Mindi is a teddy bear <3

Mindy is indeed a sweety. And a bunch of that "sweetiness" rubbed off on Katy to.


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