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Massive buff incoming.

Massive buff incoming.
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The following items will be changed to "Account Bound " items:

Murky (Blue Murloc Egg)
Tyriel's Hilt
Murloc Costume
All of the collector's edition pets

Also, for the "pet" items, we're making it so that adding the pet to your collection will not remove the item from your inventory. With that change, you'll be able to learn Murky on any character on the same realm with the character that currently has Murky. It also means that if you own the original Collector's Edition, you'll be able to have all 3 pets (Zerg, Diablo, Panda) by mailing the items between characters. If this works out well in the Beta and people like the change, we'll keep it in. One minor note to current Beta players: If you already "consumed" your item by adding a pet to your collection, you will not be able to get it back. This is a "beta only" side-effect that would not exist in the actual game.


changed to "Account Bound"


Murloc Costume


Murloc Costume

Congrats Blizzard on giving me a compelling reason to actually play an alt!

Expect to see Murloc Rogues and Murloc Death Knights in future kill screenshots.


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