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Well, if we don't all get Bear mounts by Lich Kings...

Well, if we don't all get Bear mounts by Lich Kings...
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Quote by Locklear
Yea, most of the old instances can be solo'd, but as a prot pally, it takes so damn long its almost not worth it. The new Blessing of Sanctuary would definitely help, but it isnt a cure for boredom.

i can solo the old instances, if u would like lock ....u tank i spank and we can do them in less time than it takes dominoes to deliver a pizza

Dreadsteed, too. I also cannot mount if I've been silenced... or I'm oom.

if you've been silenced, you're prob still in combat. in which case, of course you can't mount. :-P


Abit Ip35-Pro
E6750 @ 3.4MHz (Exp Index = 6.8)
OCZ Platinum 1GB x 4 @ 850MHz 5-5-5-15 (Exp Index = 7.0)
HD 4890 (Exp Index = 7.6)
150GB Velociraptor (Exp Index = 5.9)
Windows 7 Pro
Here's the other thing lock was atleast telling the ZA run... he gets hit with a CS while he's mounting, he gets locked out of holy spells for 8 seconds. mount = holy spell >.>

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