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What we should do on WOTLK release date:

What we should do on WOTLK release date:
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This topic came up on the Warlocks Den forums.

I figure on release date everyone will be either trying to push to 80 as fast as they can or creating a Death Knight.

We should take the opportunity and do the new World PVP objective "For The Alliance! - Slay the leaders of the Horde" and all get our Black War Bear mounts.


Abit Ip35-Pro
E6750 @ 3.4MHz (Exp Index = 6.8)
OCZ Platinum 1GB x 4 @ 850MHz 5-5-5-15 (Exp Index = 7.0)
HD 4890 (Exp Index = 7.6)
150GB Velociraptor (Exp Index = 5.9)
Windows 7 Pro
We should all take some time and have a cheesecake before we start killin. Take a moment to be grateful for the wonderful miracles of life. Which are obviously ... cheesecakes.
oh wait. I discovered another wonder of American culture yesterday. Corned beef. OMGOMGOMG. Its not corn!!!! Its beef. and really good too. OMG. Has nothing to do with corn. i don't understand why whoever invented that tried to mislead me, but now that i know, i'm very pleased.

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.
We should all take some time and have a cheesecake before we start killin.

I do love me some Cheesecake Factory cheesecake but killing is going to be my priority come 11/13.


Abit Ip35-Pro
E6750 @ 3.4MHz (Exp Index = 6.8)
OCZ Platinum 1GB x 4 @ 850MHz 5-5-5-15 (Exp Index = 7.0)
HD 4890 (Exp Index = 7.6)
150GB Velociraptor (Exp Index = 5.9)
Windows 7 Pro
I'll get Ahertrin to 80 then start a deathknight for farming.
Can you imagine how terrible the LFG's are going to be for instances 60-70, all deathknights looking for Group.


<--- has interesting in LK
Yes! that sounds like a lot of fun!

Any ideas for the night before?
Quote by infernally
This topic came up on the Warlocks Den forums.

I figure on release date everyone will be either trying to push to 80 as fast as they can or creating a Death Knight.

We should take the opportunity and do the new World PVP objective "For The Alliance! - Slay the leaders of the Horde" and all get our Black War Bear mounts.

1 major flaw in this plan: on release date, the racial leaders will be level 80 bosses, while the rest of us are still 70.

What we should do: roflstomp a couple of the starter dungeons with our imba raid gear, then level till we can hit up Lake Wintergrasp.

What we'll end up doing: probably crashing and reloading alot, and reading my complaints and cries of anguish in gchat because I can't get my UI to work and can't stand blizz default UI.


AFK: Attack, Fight, Kill! The healer is telling you to go pull mobs.
WTF: Way To Fight! The healer is applauding your tactical genius.
OOM: Out Of Mobs, go pull more.
"Being around you makes me feel nicer [by comparison]."
"You can't use math to determine (your) spec." - Vomit of Ursin, on rogue class mechanics
Quote by Truenos

What we'll end up doing: probably crashing and reloading alot, and reading my complaints and cries of anguish in gchat because I can't get my UI to work and can't stand blizz default UI.

Haha good times. So true. I remember BC modless - where healers cannot keep you up, tanks cannot build thread and dps dies blaming all. Can't wait.

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.
Quote by Valaheea

I remember BC modless - where healers cannot keep you up

You just weren't doing it right.


<--- has interesting in LK

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