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Nugg's Farewell

Nugg's Farewell
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I want to say thank you to those i have played this game so very long with, and also those that i have only just met. I will be leaving the game with no intentions of coming back. Right now i have several real life factors that are taking up a signifigant portion of my time and this game, while fun, is a time sink. I will likely be on vent over the next few days to say goodbye but will not be on in game as i did not DL the patch since i knew this was coming.

For those that i have played with for a while now who want a means for contact My email address is Jvalenti83 at yahoo.com just drop me an email there and ill forward the other information. Also i know Jon(Guy) has my facebook info and can contact me if needed.

Thanks again guys,

Tony (Nuggtastic)

Damn Nugg, you will be missed bigtime, while i didnt get to know you very well, i did get used to seeing you on, you have been a core DA guildie for as long as i can remember.
I hope that real life allows you to at least pop on vent to say hi from time to time, also the forums will be here, so stop by drop us note, post a joke or just send love letters to Sam But whatever happens you take care and dont forget us, cause we sure as hell wont forget you!!!!!!!


We've known each other a long time bro - and I know we will all miss you. Drop by when you can and best of luck with everything.

I will miss you Nuggersion!!! You better come by and say hi to me or I'll send Batman after you.
Ty for the tanking, ty for the healing and ty for being a good friend.
OH and about that private question. Just open the mailbox and type Valaheea then all gold and its all set.
Love ya

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.
I am a sad little priest... you will be missed nuggers.. we need to hook up sometime for drinks and dinner..


Best Priest Noob in Town!!

make sure you have someone with you that's gram's entre to "date rape"

& bud i'm tellin ya tke a break & come back


Damn....All my WoW friends are leaving the game. Im very sad to hear that. Im really going to miss you man. PvP and heroic runs just wont be the same. Well dude, I wish you the very best of luck. Its been a pleasure playing with a true pvp pimp for all this time. Well anyway, good luck to you man. you will be missed on wow


I'm sorry to see you go Nugg. I hope everything in RL gets sorted out and maybe you'll have some time to come see us.

Say it AIN'T so man!

Damn, you are going to missed, and if this is about the cape, FOR GODS SAKE, keep it! Geez....

Seriously though, going to miss you a bunch Nuggers... hangin and runnin with you has always been a treat, and should this remain your decision, RL got a damn good guy... but know the game is here and wouldn't mind taking you back.

Grandest of luck to all that you do Nug, and I hope the stars ya reach of rain.


Nugg....dont reach for the stars, you are one man. I hope life goes well for you and I will definitely be dropping you some lines here and there. If you decide to play a new game...you should let us all know so we can have a new addiction Cheers man, we had a lot of adventures in DA.


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