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We were prepared ....... Eventually

We were prepared ....... Eventually
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After an extended night of raiding on Monday night, Illidan is down. I'm sure some people got some good pics of the event.

Everyone worked together well to make this happen. If you were on the WL this time, we'll try to make good substitutions so all our raiders get to enjoy this fight as we close out the Burning crusade in preparation for WOTLK mid november.

Woooooooooo Hooo!


Had a great time last night (even though I was dragging ass this morning). Really happy we finally got him down. Archi is next! (i hope)

WTB sunwell!
As fun as Sunwell sounds, I'd still like to drop Archimonde and get BT down to full clears in 1 night. I'm sure a lot of people would still like a lot of gear out of those places before spending entire raid schedules on SW progression content.

If i had to bet on it... kalec/brut would be easier to learn/control than doing archi. There are plenty of guilds that "farm" him and still wipe regularly on him just due to a random combo of spells and abilities that hits the right person at the right time and kills them.
Quote by Locklear
As fun as Sunwell sounds, I'd still like to drop Archimonde and get BT down to full clears in 1 night. I'm sure a lot of people would still like a lot of gear out of those places before spending entire raid schedules on SW progression content.

Exactly what I was thinking.


"[Sixx]... you just lack diplomacy." -Vujadae

Quote by ansguh
If i had to bet on it... kalec/brut would be easier to learn/control than doing archi. There are plenty of guilds that "farm" him and still wipe regularly on him just due to a random combo of spells and abilities that hits the right person at the right time and kills them.

Yeah, I suppose, but its about principle for me personally. Its similar to the old Kael/Vashj thing months ago when they lifted BT attunement. Why bother wiping to old difficult Tier 5 content when theres easier Tier 6 stuff out there with better rewards?

Its all subjective, but I'd rather spend more time and overcome the boss we've been cockblocked on for a while than steamroll new, "easier" stuff.

Yeah, i'd like to kill him too. Its just gonna be a lot more frustrating than illidan was considering that archi's HP isnt nerfed. Yeah, our dps is higher than it was... but the massive amount of HP he lost in that nerf made the fight significantly more trivial, just remember that archi is still his same old self and deserves plenty of respect.

Unlike illidan, this isnt a fight i wont walk into expecting to down him the first night, no one else should either.
Even in nerfed stage Kalcegos is quite changeling...requiring the whole raid basically to be on the ball as they shuttle back and forth between dimensions.

I am not sure how we down him...even with reduced hp...without downing Archimonde.

The main fact is that the concept of kalecgos is hard, once the strat is done the fight mechanics change very little (only thing that would change is the curse sathrovvar puts out). Where as Archi would change every single time, many people put him on par with gorefiend in terms of replayed abilities... it never happens anywhere near the same anytime you do him.

Both bosses are downable, and i do agree on the downing on archi for finishing the original BC. Just dont forget that if we are able to down Archi, sunwell bosses are right around the corner and to read up on them as well.
I may be one of the only ones who has no interest in sunwell at all lol, but i agree with Lock, i wanna get the stuff that has eluded (cockblocked) us down pat

The HP nerf trivializes Brutallus. Kalec is annoying with the portals and whatnot, but he's probably quite killable.


AFK: Attack, Fight, Kill! The healer is telling you to go pull mobs.
WTF: Way To Fight! The healer is applauding your tactical genius.
OOM: Out Of Mobs, go pull more.
"Being around you makes me feel nicer [by comparison]."
"You can't use math to determine (your) spec." - Vomit of Ursin, on rogue class mechanics
Congrats guys!!

Big Gratz on Illidan


<--- has interesting in LK
The officers met last night to discuss this & are of the same mind as Locklear. We know that through some hard work and maybe a little good luck, we can down Archie.

Please prepare for council/Illidan tonight followed by plowing through most of Hyjal (hopefully clearing first 4). Then we'll have Thursday night for Archimonde, and Friday if needed. As soon as we get him down we can go check out the fun that is sunwell.

If we have problems with attendance on archie then we might have to give preference on the illidan fight positions as a reward for archie attendance.... so lets all get him down !


Quote by guy
the fun that is sunwell.



AFK: Attack, Fight, Kill! The healer is telling you to go pull mobs.
WTF: Way To Fight! The healer is applauding your tactical genius.
OOM: Out Of Mobs, go pull more.
"Being around you makes me feel nicer [by comparison]."
"You can't use math to determine (your) spec." - Vomit of Ursin, on rogue class mechanics
Enough yapping already - where's the screen shots??

Grats guys!! Nice accomplishment

Screen shots....

Before -

And After -

Best Priest Noob in Town!!

huge grats guys!...and did i hear achie is down too?

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