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My ideas about blizzard

My ideas about blizzard
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I was going to respond to Blizzard on their website, but it's so overloaded with other Wowheads trying to do something since their favorite thing to do is gone.

That one is how I felt this morning, the second day of my vacation to play wow & screw around being ruined by some of the worst server maintenance people i've ever encountered.

Here's a followup for fun (the night before in the movie)

While I don't revel in emofests or other such BS. Blizzards logic is confounding. Lets take off servers for 1/2 a day more to relieve all of our paying customers of 2 items they might have gotten for free that will be irrelevent in 4-5 levels. Lets keep servers offline for 8 hours the day before to not fix the mail system we screwed up.

Well my Laundry skill is capped now at 375, and my housecleaning is getting there. What a fun vacation. I think i'll probably have more fun on thursday and friday at my grandads funeral, and I dont enjoy funerals.


I think i'll probably have more fun on thursday and friday at my grandads funeral, and I dont enjoy funerals.

sorry to hear my condolences on your loss

/hug (even tho u creep me out)

thanks for the hug, but seriously creep you out? ? ? lol


deepest sympathy bro

Best Priest Noob in Town!!


You only have one option:

1. Go to sporting goods store
2. Purchase BB gun
3. Travel to Irvine, California
4. Take the Blizzard Security Guard that looks like John Candy hostage
5. ????
6. Profit

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