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All of WotLK Raids Cleared

All of WotLK Raids Cleared
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Nilhium-SKG Gaming has cleared all 25 man instances...already.

I tend to agree with the commenter that this is what happens when their entire guild was given Beta Keys to help test things. So they had all of the beta to learn the fights.


Really though, they only had to learn 2 new encounters... which for a guild with that level of skill, wont take long depending on how the fights are tuned.
& Kael Thazud is end of Naxramas the Tier 7 content - not 8 or 9 right?


Yeah, they havent implemented the content for 8 or 9 yet, those are in subsequent patches
Also as I understand it, the new combined guild is sponsored, which would mean that playing WoW IS their job now. Factor in the beta keys, and their skill as well and they are a PVE Buzzsaw.


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