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When will you be 80?

When will you be 80?
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I'll be 80.....
4/17 (23.5%) I'm there already.... GOSH!! where are all you guys at? (hurry up already & ding more, these heroics won't run themselves! :)
2/17 (11.8%) This weekend 11/23/2008
2/17 (11.8%) By Thanksgiving 11/27/2008
3/17 (17.6%) By December 1, 2008
6/17 (35.3%) This year (I'm slower than bldspryr)
0/17 (0.0%) There's an expansion? D'oH!

OK well to get back to raiding regularly we'll need to all be 80. If you are - type in - achieved or something. If you're not there yet, how soon do you figure it'll be. I was hoping for sunday but it might be monday.

So please do the following - update status on the voting/poll and post thoughts on when in this thread.


Installing on my new PC right now, using onboard video and old monitor for now. Took a week off too, so hopefully by the 1st if i'm good.
Good to hear from ya bud, and glad you got a new PC.


because of the slow ass economy, i had not been working and playing wow like it's going out of style. then, once the expansion was released, i started work again... a lot of work. I'll be out all week, but at night when i'm in the hotel, hopefully, i'll be able to chip away at the leveling a bit. i'm only one and a half levels away from 80.


I will probobly be hitting 80 sometime next week. Would be sooner, but I won't be able to play while I am visiting my mother this week who has no internet.
I am such, and Mom should be such Today.


working on it DAM IT!!!!!! lol vacation n holiday has slowed my 80 progression


AHhh 12/02/08 hehe


Been there, done that, got the T-shirt lol. 80 and ready to raid...lets rock!!


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