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Archavon GM follow-up

Archavon GM follow-up
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Following is a real response I got back from Blizz after taking a little time to email them from the site emails they listed in the original reply to the ticket I opened after the Archavon fiasco. It seems like this might be a good way to follow-up w/ poor GM responses that have been in-game at times.

From: xxxxxxxxxx
date: Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 7:06 PM
subject Re: Fwd: Blizzard Entertainment - World of Warcraft
mailed-by blizzard.com

Hello, thank you for taking the time to contact Blizzard Entertainment Technical Support. Thank you for submitting this information, as we are committed to making World of Warcraft as enjoyable as possible. We appreciate your feedback. I will forward your report to the appropriate people. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can assure you it will be read.

If you have any further technical questions or problems, please feel free to contact us at wowtech at blizzard.com.

-David B.
Blizzard Entertainment
Technical Support

-----Original Message-----
To: WoWTech at blizzard.com;wowgm at blizzard.com
Sent: 1/8/2009 8:10:33 AM
Subject: Fwd: Blizzard Entertainment - World of Warcraft

Hey guys,

I followed the link listed below and the site suggests reporting bugs to you via email. I'm not sure who would fix this bug, but it definitely needs some attention.

Our guild was basically screwed out of doing a 25 man Archavon raid this week. No one in the guild had fought Archavon or had a chance at his loot.

After some prodding we found out that one member of the raid had fought in wintergrasp the night before - on Tuesday, day of server resets, and didnt realize he had been saved. He had joined a raid group to fight in wintergrasp then once the Horde had pushed through been knocked back into the instace by another player. This zoned him in & saved him to a cleared instance. Again - he didnt choose to zone in, and was knocked into the instance by another player. On top of that, the following night (wednesday), our entire guild of raiders were saved to this instance, instead of the game creating a new instance for all of the unsaved players.

This particular game mechanic seems very unfair and at odds w/ the way other instances saves are created. I would hope that the capable and talented staff at Blizzard can find a way to improve this facet of game play. Thanks guys for taking the time to consider this & hope y'all are having a great new year!




Very nicely worded email Tids. I meant to ask you what the outcome of that situation was.

Well done my friend. Your verbage is tackfully to the point!


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