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Sartharion - 2 Drakes Next Week

Sartharion - 2 Drakes Next Week
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Ok i hope this isn't fail. But here is a good strategy i think we need to start practicing so we can do it right with 3 drakes b4 T9 gear comes out and they nerf Sarth.

First off, We need to tank him in the back, about even where he starts, but on the very left side, his face pointing to the left, like we have been doing in the past 2 weeks. This is crucial for when the drakes come out. A Death Knight needs to tank him (Dekat?) I'm a lil hazy on why a dk needs to tank but just trust me on that. Everything hits harder with more drakes up, and DK's have good mitigation for this fight.

The first drake comes down in the very middle in the BACK. A warrior or druid needs to grab him and pull him to towards the head of sarth.(facing the lava away from raid bc of breath) Everyone burns him down as fast as possible, popping most of your cooldowns. And for sake of only doing 2 drakes, we'll pop heroism when the drake is at about 60%. (3 drakes you save your hero for the 2nd drake) This is why we tank sarth in the back, so the melee doesn't have to run clear across the area, and can just rip into the drake immediately.

A pally (lock) needs to grab all of the fire adds and welps. After the first boss is down, it is very crucial for everyone to AOE down the adds ASAP, HARD. Again after the 2nd and 3rd drakes are down you AOE hardcore on the adds.

Also, these adds are alot more powerful with more drakes that are up. As is the fire wall. So it's 100% crucial that we don't ever get hit by the fire wall. With 3 drakes up ur 1 shotted. And lock needs to pick the adds up as fast as possible. A rogue needs to be patroling spreading fan of knifes with antiseptic (sp?) poison on. So that the adds become less powerful.

The 2nd drake spawns in i think about 3 minutes after. A druid or warrior needs to pick him up and take him to the opposite side by sarths tail right next to the lava. Face him towards the lava. After the first drake is down we burn this drake hard.

Don't take any portals on the first 2 drakes. When we start doing the 3rd drake we'll take the portal for him.

When the fire wall comes we'll call Heads or Tails. If we call Heads that means the fire is coming at his head, tails it's coming behind you. It is your responsibility to squeeze into a spot that is safe from the fire. Easiest way to do this, and a must have imo is using this information below. All you need to do is copy and paste each line in your wow, then scroll out pretty much as far as possible, you should be looking through a blimp basically.

Ok i accidently deleted it on my macro lol, but i'll get it as soon as i can.

No point in stating which tanks are assigned without saying why.

DKs are preferred MTs in the 3-drake strategy because their active mitigation abilities can reduce the damage of Sartharion's Flame Breath. With the combined +100% Fire Damage intake debuff and -25% total health debuff, these breaths can hit harder than any tanks healthpool, making cooldown use mandatory. DKs aren't entirely necessary because Pallies/Druids/Warriors can get by with Raid cooldown rotations of Hands of Sacrifice, Divine Guardian, Guardian Spirit, Pain Supression, etc, but DKs can somewhat manage it on their own, provided they rotate their cooldowns properly.

However, in a 2-drake strategy, its possible to work around getting both +100% fire damage intake and -25% total health, so this point is pretty moot.

In regards to add pickup, Warriors/DKs are the best in this particular fight. DKs targetted Death and Decay is useful for picking up adds at range, while the bursty nature of Thunderclap and Shockwave gives Warriors an edge. Warrior's Vigilance on either the MT or any of the other OTs makes sure their off GCD Taunt is always available. Pallies are at someone of a disadvantage threat-wise because of a lack of bursty AoE threat abilities. Avengers Shield is capped at 3 targets and has a long cooldown and Consecration requires a few ticks and melee range in order to pull threat off AoEing dps/Healers.

Either way, its probably best to have 2 tanks on add pickup, because 100% fire damage intake coupled with fire elemental damage will make quick work of any healer, and Whelp hits stack an armor reduction debuff. QUICK pickups and handling of adds is important.

Drake tanks have no preference. Whoever can build threat fast and sustain it (as they will need to be burned down quickly), while maintaining mobility to avoid red circles and waves, while keeping the raid safe from frontal breaths, can handle it.

Good points - now lets finish killing things and doing it the hard way.

On add pick up, just to keep Dekat on the add, is it ok to just have either Bierz or Cor help out with it? If so, i'll bug them today to need on every piece of tanking gear in 10 naxx. Or face my wrath. If they're on

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.
would that include the wrath of the bee house too?


angry bee story.


angry bee story. [/QUOTE]


"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.
LOL hey so THIS IS tomorrow's target - Thursday 2/5/8


My favorite warlock forum has a very nice thread about this fight in it. The very last post is basically a condensed version of what Patywak posted above.


"We've taken him down with 2 up in a 25 man. Just ignore the eggs/port and let a pally tank the adds til the first drake is dead (Tenebron). The first should die as the second is arriving. Take a moment and mop up the adds then dps on the second drake. Take the portal and dps the add inside. Don't kill him til the wave completes."


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