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New Emblem of Valor Loot

New Emblem of Valor Loot
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Ulduar 10 will be dropping Emblems of Valor, and today after the raid some of us got into a discussion whether new Valor loot would be added.

According to Blizzard:

Currently there are no additional items added to the Emblem of Valor quartermaster. We will have to wait and see if anything changes.

As for tier gear, there will be a 10 man version of Tier 8, but if Blizzard follows its previous statements 10 man Tier 8 should be the same item level as 25 man Tier 7. However, 10 man Tier 8 will still be desirable in obtaining so as to more quickly take advantage of set bonuses.

However, as Blizz has not revealed the stats on any of the items in 3.1 we will have to wait and see...

I can't see anything good coming of adding more items for purchase with old tiers of emblems. I'm sure everyone remembers farming kara for badges to buy items with equal budget to that of t6 gear, which is what blizzard explicitly wanted to prevent when they implemented tiered emblems. For people worried that they'll end up sitting on a stockpile of worthless emblems, there are plenty of things to buy with them already that can be sold on the AH at a profit. For Heroism, there are blue gems and frozen orbs, not to mention heirloom gear for alts, and for valor, there is a pair of BoE bracers for every spec in the game, the most desirable of which commands a cool 5k on the ah presently.


AFK: Attack, Fight, Kill! The healer is telling you to go pull mobs.
WTF: Way To Fight! The healer is applauding your tactical genius.
OOM: Out Of Mobs, go pull more.
"Being around you makes me feel nicer [by comparison]."
"You can't use math to determine (your) spec." - Vomit of Ursin, on rogue class mechanics
Well i dont have a problem with either system they both work. Old way, you help a lot of your buds alts get gear & you get badges for something you need. Basically the badge items got more expensive with the better gear, and only one currency to keep track of. Much like gold or US dollars. Yes technically a garbageman can scrimp and save for years to buy a rolls royce, and no one begrudges him that. But get into an online game and suddenly it's not fair

The new way has it's merits and drawbacks too. Every system you create will be that way, that's just how life works. The sooner people realize that, the happier they will be.

If Valor badges are the going to be the next tier 10 man badges cool by me, but one item like a bracer or a glove or w/e new best in item would have been cool too.


I'm happy with anything not involving questing . . .
Quote by samgaygangie
I'm happy with anything not involving questing . . .

But you've gotten so good at it, Sam!

"If what you're seeing is an open book...Thats great. Well, I'm an open book. But I'm real shy." ~Blue October, "The Answer"
Quote by samgaygangie
I'm happy with anything not involving questing . . .

Sam you're still alive?! Send me back the flowers I sent to the funeral parlor for you. I can give them to Grummy's wife.

Miss ya boss!!!



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