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I'm sorry to hear that so soon. I wish it could have turned out differently. Thank you for taking the time to comment here, our good thoughts our with you.
I'm so sorry hun. My prayers are with you and your family. /hugs

"If what you're seeing is an open book...Thats great. Well, I'm an open book. But I'm real shy." ~Blue October, "The Answer"
I am sorry to hear about your loss Fiesty. My prayers are with you and your family.

"Were it so easy." - Arbiter
If someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill them right back. -Malcom Reynolds
You know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with till you know who's in ruttin command. ~Jayne Cobb

Deepest condolences and prayers for you and your family.
My deepest condolences.
today i am saddened... u have my and my families deepest thoguths and prayers.

Best Priest Noob in Town!!

I hope for a better year for you, and send my deepest condolences on the news of your loss Feisty. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours.


Im terribly sorry to hear that fiesty. Its a terrible thing to lose a loved one. If you need to talk to anyone just let me know. I check the site often.


I am very very sorry to hear about your loss. You have my thoughts and prayers.

Fiesty, we do not know each other that well at all, but with an honest and open heart, I'm sooooo sorry to hear of your loss! My prayers go out to you and your family!


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