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WoW to be sued by guy claiming to own cyberspace

WoW to be sued by guy claiming to own cyberspace
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Worlds.com, a software developer, claims to hold patents to "cyberspace." Simply put, CEO Thom Kidrin says that any company refusing to enter into copyright negotiations will be sued, since he holds patents to a "virtual scalable world." This includes software giants Activision Blizzard and Second Life.

Already being sued is Korean game maker NCSoft (City of Heroes, and Guild Wars). Thom is quoted to have said that he fully intends to pursue the two industry leaders (WoW/Second Life) if his claim is upheld in court.

To those that wish to pursue additional articles on the top, here are three different sites. The first is a business news site, the other two are MMO coverage sites.

1. http://www.businessinsider.com/worldscom-ceo-were-absolutely-going-to-sue-second-life-and-world-of-warcraft-2009-3
2. http://www.massively.com/2008/12/30/the-patent-that-stole-christmas/
3. http://www.wowinsider.com/2009/03/11/worlds-com-aims-to-sue-over-the-virtual-world-of-warcraft/

The above was taken from the general forums. I don't know about any of ya'll, but I will be following this. Methinks someone has a really huge ego.

"If what you're seeing is an open book...Thats great. Well, I'm an open book. But I'm real shy." ~Blue October, "The Answer"
If I were Al Gore, I would sue the shit out of this guy for impersonation and defamation of character. We all know that our Lord and Savior Al Gore created the internets for the lulz at least 100 years ago, and as the prime ruler of the Tubes, has ultimate authority over virtual scalable worlds.


AFK: Attack, Fight, Kill! The healer is telling you to go pull mobs.
WTF: Way To Fight! The healer is applauding your tactical genius.
OOM: Out Of Mobs, go pull more.
"Being around you makes me feel nicer [by comparison]."
"You can't use math to determine (your) spec." - Vomit of Ursin, on rogue class mechanics
Quote by Killcaustic

The above was taken from the general forums. I don't know about any of ya'll, but I will be following this. Methinks someone has a really huge ego.

Its not about ego, but money. In the 1980s the defense contractor Saunders Associates sued Nintendo with the claim they held the patent on "video games"...and they won, making them a whole lot of money. Pretty sure this guy is hoping for a similar outcome.

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