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Computer problems...anyone know what is wrong?

Computer problems...anyone know what is wrong?
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My laptop is a terrible Dell XPS gaming computer. Well apparently it can't keep up with the games I play. On two seperate games I get the same issue. While in game play the screen goes black and the computer shuts off. According to Blizzard I have the right requirements to play the game. Definately a computer problem. I just dont know what is causing it.

It might be overheating but then again I have a cooling pad and it keeps it somewhat cool for the most part. It could also be a RAM issue. At this point im just guessing. Anyone know what it might be?



In all seriousness, it could be bad memory. If you're running vista run the memory diagnostic utility, or download a copy of memtest86 if you're not.

Quote by Locklear

In all seriousness, it could be bad memory. If you're running vista run the memory diagnostic utility, or download a copy of memtest86 if you're not.

I ran the memory diagnostic but it said that my memory was fine. Hmm...I dont know what else to do. I was thinking it might be a processor error or maybe its just overheating with a cooling bad and a cool room. idk.


Was thinking a power issue or a power setting causing it to turn off, assuming you have it plugged in. Not sure, I don't mess with laptops much.

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