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Warcraft Cancelled by Parents + Youth + Too much sugar = Hilarity

Warcraft Cancelled by Parents + Youth + Too much sugar = Hilarity
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Please take careful note @01:11. WTF???

Conformity is the smother of invention.
And people wonder why I find corporal punishment appropriate at times.... kid needs a fuckin wake up call.

"It's extremely difficult to second guess the American Navy, because the Americans rarely read their doctrine, and don't feel compelled to follow it when they do."
[Attributed to Admiral of the Soviet Fleet, Sergei Gorshkov]

Hey don't make fun of that kid. That's me everyday when this connection isn't working.

"DC'ed!!!! I hate my life! I'm gonna run away!"

You and the Captain make it happen!
Delrio, do you also try to insert your TV remote into your nether region?

Conformity is the smother of invention.
Quote by zebedar
And people wonder why I find capitol punishment appropriate at times.... kid needs a fuckin wake up call.


& moist thanks for being so keenly attuned to people's anal proclivities.... i might not have noticed & would have been better off. LOL


Laver and I were discussing this... I think its fake.. I mean who sticks a remote in their ass when they are made.. I mean you should only do it when your in the mood for sweet sweet lovin

Best Priest Noob in Town!!

They need to use the $15 as an insurance co-pay and get some counseling for that brat. That kid needs some help.

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