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Why Gnomes are the bestest - even more so in Cataclysm

Why Gnomes are the bestest - even more so in Cataclysm
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Spell Power as an item stat is going away - INT will be used to boost spell power, much like AGI or STR building ATK power. What race gets a 5% boost to INT? And will thus be higher DPS and better healing? That's right - the Gnomes.

Soon, all the top healers will be gnomes. Gnome priests will have an advantage. Gnome mages and warlocks and rogues will top the damage meters.

I'm one step closer to my dream of an all gnome raid!

It will be Legen...

wait for it...


They'd probably change it to 5% increase to base intellect if they haven't done so already. They already did that to Tauren and stamina a while back.

My goblin death squad guild will crush your gnome raid.

You and the Captain make it happen!
Quote by yarkoon

It will be Legen...

wait for it...



Wizards First Rule - People are Stupid. They will belive anything either because they want it to be true or they are afraid it's true. Zeddicus Zul Zorander - First Wizard

Everyone knows that Goblins are too busy counting their gold to actually kill anything...

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing. ~ Edmund Burke

Quote by yarkoon
Spell Power as an item stat is going away - INT will be used to boost spell power, much like AGI or STR building ATK power. What race gets a 5% boost to INT? And will thus be higher DPS and better healing? That's right - the Gnomes.

Soon, all the top healers will be gnomes. Gnome priests will have an advantage. Gnome mages and warlocks and rogues will top the damage meters.

I'm one step closer to my dream of an all gnome raid!

It will be Legen...

wait for it...


The day the 5% to INT helps Rogues be top DPS....Im deleting

int boosts crit but maybe not melee crit.


actually its a reference to Neehigh and his overpowerednessgnomosity.

I actually like having Gnomes around while i'm raiding. I can put my beer on top of their heads and not have to reach as far down for it. Plus the female gnomes are just the right heigth.


If they only had a coin slot behind one of thier ears.....

Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. ----Teddy Roosevelt
Quote by lasslaru
If they only had a coin slot behind one of thier ears.....

Lass, I have a can opener on Bellee, your ankles are toast...

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing. ~ Edmund Burke

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