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Everyone and their mother seems to be looking for one for...Something. Some achievement. All I know is, I seem to spend alot of time as a turkey. Anyway, I have one. Work has been killing me, but Nove's been leveling it for me as his account is frozen. So if you can't find one, check and see if Laresariah is online, and whichever of us is playing her will meet you somewhere.

"If what you're seeing is an open book...Thats great. Well, I'm an open book. But I'm real shy." ~Blue October, "The Answer"
Quote by Killcaustic
Everyone and their mother seems to be looking for one for...Something. Some achievement. All I know is, I seem to spend alot of time as a turkey. Anyway, I have one. Work has been killing me, but Nove's been leveling it for me as his account is frozen. So if you can't find one, check and see if Laresariah is online, and whichever of us is playing her will meet you somewhere.

Thorin and myself also have one so if you see us on just yell at us.


How is Nove's account frozen? This is the first I've heard of it.

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