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3.3 (Probably) coming out 12/8

3.3 (Probably) coming out 12/8
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still unofficial.
Its official. patch it!

"It's extremely difficult to second guess the American Navy, because the Americans rarely read their doctrine, and don't feel compelled to follow it when they do."
[Attributed to Admiral of the Soviet Fleet, Sergei Gorshkov]

Quote by zebedar
Its official. patch it!


Think Im getting sick, going to see if I can be convincing enough to get out of work right after the server comes back online

I wonder if there have been any studies to production level vs content release levels before.

Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. ----Teddy Roosevelt
Quote by lasslaru
I wonder if there have been any studies to production level vs content release levels before.

Ive thought about adding the alliance talbard to my email signature at work, figure i might get a few more sales that way.

Unless they are horde (but then they are probobly kids goofing off anyway and cant buy a car).

Ship it!

"It's extremely difficult to second guess the American Navy, because the Americans rarely read their doctrine, and don't feel compelled to follow it when they do."
[Attributed to Admiral of the Soviet Fleet, Sergei Gorshkov]

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