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Vent problems

Vent problems
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So I have my new computer, and I downloaded the Win64 vent client. I'm currently in a channel with Mightytasty, and he says he had to turn me up to 450% to hear me with my outbound turned all the way up. I have no idea what settings to use for windows 7. Any ideas?
Edit: pays to read the post. Anyway, from what i saw in win7 there were about 4 different places to adjust your mic settings. Windows sound settings, make sure the 20dB boost is selected, max that sound out, check your sound card's sound settings (if you have a separate card), then check your vent... and adjust down from there.
Now I'm getting vent lag. It takes 1-2 seconds for vent to recognize I'm pushing the button. Such wasn't the case before I started to play with sound settings.
That one I'm not sure on... never really had that issue. BTW, i am in chat... though while at work i tend to minimize it often, so if i dont respond i'm probably talking to my manager or something and should check it shortly.

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