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I just wanted to let everyone know how much I have enjoyed being in DA. I have fought many battles along side old and new friends along the way. Hours upon hours of wiping and countless amounts of gold for flasks and repairs to reach that sweet spot of victory when downing a boss for the first time which made it all worth while. Some of my best memories from the game will have been along side fellow DA'ers.

I have thought about this for a while, and I have concluded that it is time to move on. For a while now, I have not enjoyed myself during raids. At some point along the way, it changed from a fun game into a job. I have resigned as an officer and now I am giving resignation to my raider status.

I wish you all the best of luck.

Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. ----Teddy Roosevelt
Gonna miss you, bud. *Salute*

Now I have to find a new guildie to spoon with during raids.

* Crazy F N Bird *
I've enjoyed raiding with you Lass and I know how you feel. When a game stops being a game, it's time to stop playing. Hope we still see you around and you find your "fun" again.

I hate to see you go man.. but I respect your choice.. as always keep in touch I will miss healing you.. that is if I ever found my way back to the game.



Best Priest Noob in Town!!

Good luck Lass!

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.

It was great healing you and as a healer, I appreciated your knowledge of the game. Good luck and hope you find the a good place to call home......

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