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Crazy math people, i need help.

Crazy math people, i need help.
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Well, here it is http://merciless.tv/ucp.php?mode=confirm&confirm_id=daf3a8119ce704502e2b64d1e9ed378c&type=1 . Help? need the answer is all if anyone can manage it

Like, when did they start putting letters in it?

Wizards First Rule - People are Stupid. They will belive anything either because they want it to be true or they are afraid it's true. Zeddicus Zul Zorander - First Wizard

lmao, that's what im having trouble with, i don't know what the variables stand for. ><, i guess the answer is 27 though, literally.

More specifically, the sum approaches 27 as X reaches infinity.

arghhhh my eyesssss, its hurttt


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