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Battle of Dazar'alor

Battle of Dazar'alor
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Later in patch 8.1, there's a new raid, Battle of Dazar'alor. The new raid opens 1/22/19 in Normal and Heroic difficulties. On 1/29/19 Mythic difficulty opens as well as the first wing of LFR. The second LFR wing opens 2/12/19 and the final wing of LFR opens 2/26/19. Raid finder requires item level 350+ to queue.

  1. Siege of Dazar'alor
    • Champion of the Light
    • Jadefire Masters
    • Grong the Revenant
  2. Empire's Fall
    • Opulence
    • Conclave of the Chosen
    • King Rastakhan
  3. Might of the Alliance
    • High Tinker Mekkatorque
    • Stormwall Blockade
    • Lady Jaina Proudmoore

See the Wowhead guide which includes Fatboss videos.

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