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Thanks for the wonderful, bush league way you told me I was no longer in the guild...that showed a lot of class. Oh, wit, you didn't...I logged on and was not in a guild, no mail, no nothing, no problem. Nah, it's not worth it, there are a lot of great people in this guild, and I do hope you guys keep up the progression. However, I would say the officers of this guild need to grow up.
Well if you'd like to look ignorant keep it up. We have a standing rule that application to another guild can be grounds for a /gkick if the officers deem it the best course of action.

Why don't you take a moment to look in the mirror & see that you acted immaturely by applying to another guild w/out talking to anyone about any problems you might have been perceiving or experiencing. We care a lot about everyone in the guild & you cared so little about us that you went behind our backs & app'd elsewhere. Good Luck & Good bye


pointing the finger at others? dont distract from the real issue here, of which you brought about on your own. take yer medicine.

I liked you Chief, I little loud on vent, but I liked you...not sure why you werent happy here, but GL to you.

Get to Da Choppa!
Dude all you had to do was talk to me if you were unhappy...nuff said

Best Priest Noob in Town!!

As a point of reference:

i feel like dirty used toilet paper. but the good kind, not the cheap kind.

That is messed up. You took time, experience, gear, and DKP away from priests down the chain who waited outside of instances on the WL while you got to run because of your raider status and seniority.

Then to come back and try to act like you have no idea why you got booted, come on kid!! There is a saying I live by in situations like this; "If I get caught cheating, I'm stuck with you." Make sure it's worth it, before you do it.

I hope your new home has an uber leet tabard waiting for you. Add DA to your already impressive list of guilds you have bounced around.



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