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za run

za run
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I'm looking to upgrade my gear, and outside of T5/T6 Content, ZA has a few upgrades ( weapon and head piece ). If anyone has a run planned let me know, I'm in, I've had experience through the whole instance already, just never got drops ( Minus the bracers I need to get enchanted yet )
Sounds good bud - I'll try my hand again at using gem properly - but i fail lol
Quote by samgaygangie
Sounds good bud - I'll try my hand again at using gem properly - but i fail lol

lol yeah those calendars arealways such a PITA =)
Will try to do a ZA run on Thursday - say around normal raid time - will see who we have for it.
I heard that Greezy guy would be up to go if his stinking internet connection is working.

ill be doing a za thursday night too but it will be for the later folk who dont sign on as early. Should try and start around 10, depending on who we have

Quote by Talanthys
ill be doing a za thursday night too but it will be for the later folk who dont sign on as early. Should try and start around 10, depending on who we have

I'm available for ZA if you need me Tal


AFK: Attack, Fight, Kill! The healer is telling you to go pull mobs.
WTF: Way To Fight! The healer is applauding your tactical genius.
OOM: Out Of Mobs, go pull more.
"Being around you makes me feel nicer [by comparison]."
"You can't use math to determine (your) spec." - Vomit of Ursin, on rogue class mechanics
great run last night everyone. =) I don't think I'll be on tonight ( baseball game FTW ) so if you go for Zul'jin kick his sorry troll ass! =)

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