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Goodbye DA!!!!

Goodbye DA!!!!
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is Laver leaving, fuk noooooo, but the DA web site will explode by the awesomeness of the video below. Be ready, that once your computer has begun to ooze the velvet sounds of this video out of your speakers, your computer itself will melt into a huge pile of love spooge....So goodbye DA, as this video is so epic, it will be, NAY, IT SHALL BE THE LAST THING EVER POSTED ON THE DA WEB SITE!!!!

This thread is now becoming a KIDS Inc. thread! Post KIDS Inc. VIDEOS NOW!!!!!

Kids Incorporated + Neverending Story = Epic Win.

Bur seriously, the Neverending Story is a very under appreicated movie. I mean how many movies have racing snails and depressed suicidal horses!!??

Wait, Fergie was on Kids Incorporated!?

Quote by Warloff
Kids Incorporated + Neverending Story = Epic Win.

Bur seriously, the Neverending Story is a very under appreicated movie. I mean how many movies have racing snails and depressed suicidal horses!!??

I have all 3 on DVD, <3 teh Childlike Empress.

I´ve had my frustrations about the pains of daily life
I´ve tasted degradation and found the lace and candle light
But we have the weights we have the measures of our days and nights
I´ve had my frustrations but now I´ve found my place

And you will make it
But only if you run


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