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Guild videos have arrived - High King Maulgar

Guild videos have arrived - High King Maulgar
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Its been a long time coming and I know that many of you have been patiently anticipating their arrival. Today marks the first video for Dragon Army that I have completed. This is my first time using any video editing software so don't expect miracles. Follow this link http://files.filefront.com/hkmwmv/;8600994;;/fileinfo.html to see my video of the HKM kill. Make sure to Click "download" to see the high rez version and not the crappy quality streaming one.

More videos will follow. I hope to have Moroes, Maiden of Virtue, Curator, and Opera - The wizard of oz up soon.
Wow thx so much! Its downloading as we speak, 99megs FTW! lol

Just watched, looks amazing! Best part is I can see myself from the outside, I love my weapon speed around 2 minute mark. =D Then I died, oh well....
Quote by Junipero
Wow thx so much! Its downloading as we speak, 99megs FTW! lol

Yeah, I don't kid around. As soon as I can get the Divx encoder working on my computer I'll upload much higher quality videos that weigh in about 350+megs
Nice video fox great job more to come in the future on fox news lol


Even the mightiest oak must bend to the will of fate.

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