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All the really good progress is on the night I'm out rock climbing. Coincidence? I think not.

Awesome guys! So awesome. I guess I'll go to bed again at 7:20 next time we have a hard boss to get down- you know, doing my part and all.

DA is #5 on the server now! (#4 alliance and we're not packed with 12 year olds like WC either.)

You and the Captain make it happen!
Well I solo'd the door gaurding duty & let me tell you there were lots of NPC's trying to get in & stop you guys... don't even get me started on the horde.

Grats everyone on the great progress!


Quote by Delrio
Awesome guys! So awesome. I guess I'll go to bed again at 7:20 next time we have a hard boss to get down- you know, doing my part and all.

DA is #5 on the server now! (#4 alliance and we're not packed with 12 year olds like WC either.)

And I'll make my hard drive crash!
And I'll wear pants.


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