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Guild Video #2 - Maiden of Virtue

Guild Video #2 - Maiden of Virtue
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I've uploaded video #2 to filefront. Go here http://hosted.filefront.com/rainchill/ to see my catalogue. As always, streaming has awful quality so please download the video to see the high quality version.
Quote by foxnews
I've uploaded video #2 to filefront. Go here http://hosted.filefront.com/rainchill/ to see my catalogue. As always, streaming has awful quality so please download the video to see the high quality version.

Nice work on the 9 man & nice job on the song selection I always knew the maiden wasn't that virtuos - I mean just listen to all her friends in the hallway!

More like the Maddam of Iniquity (uh uh uhhh)


Oh man, i havn't watched it (will probably download it now) but i sure as hell hope it's something by Iron Maiden.


Edit: I'm disapointed in the musical selection.

Did you see me lay down the law?

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