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FYI.. News from the Stofedaddy

FYI.. News from the Stofedaddy
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Just thought I would catch everyone up.. as per yesterday this was Devilstofe's FB update..

"IT'S A GIRL!!!!! 7lb 12oz, 20 inches long. Born at 6:45 on 10/25/09. Anna Rebecca Stoffers. Mom and Baby are both doing well and are scheduled to be released from Genesis East on Tue."

Grats Stofe!!



Best Priest Noob in Town!!

W00T !
Gratz Stofey!
Thats a big baby (almost twice the size mine were, lol)
Now the fun part begins, enjoy man

Wizards First Rule - People are Stupid. They will belive anything either because they want it to be true or they are afraid it's true. Zeddicus Zul Zorander - First Wizard

He did his 2 babies in installments rather than all @ once

Grats Stofe!


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