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Randl Throwing Knives part 2

Randl Throwing Knives part 2
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6 knives this time. Enjoy =]

That IS pretty good.
I remembered one time at a picnic back in the day in Romania my ex and some boys decided to play with knives and threw some at a tree. The first one that he threw bounced from the tree and back into his chest, then felt down. We all just stopped breathing for a minute. Luckily he only had one little spot (kinda like he was just stung) on his chest and everyone started laughing. We quietly gathered the knives and decided to play soccer. Just stick to the sport you know lol.

"We share much together, love of bacon, seeing how low we can let the tanks health get before healing him, pulling before the raid is ready(not really) we have shared a vast font of memories together." Master Fune about DA.
Not bad throwing especially since you didn't appear to be properly balanced with a large, alcoholic drink in your hand. I'd bet 50g that you would have a tighter grouping with the improved drinking technique.

(The comments and views expressed above may or may not be shared shared by Dragonarmyguild.net, Samgaygangie and/or anyone else on this site. Any actions taken are solely the responsibility of the individual and/or purchaser of alcohol.)

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