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My Computer's New Epic Designs of WoW Mounts....

My Computer's New Epic Designs of WoW Mounts....
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THIS IS WHY I HAVE TO GET A NEW PC LOL...it was cool at first but its getting annoying....

haha wow. the last one is interesting.
Looks like your computer is on a bad acid trip.

Yeah that's what I was thinking too.
So Comadore 64

Best Priest Noob in Town!!

lol you really do need a new computer, i wouldnt mind donating to a fund for you on that one.
You could probably sell your computer on Ebay, show pics of what the mounts look like. I personally think it's pretty awesome. Someone might put up money just so their mounts look like that lol. There are some weird people out there.

hmmmmm interesting idea mwahahahaha

It's probably not the whole computer... maybe just the video card.

I would ebay the card and get new one.


hell no its brand new video card

Quote by Ninjakitty
hell no its brand new video card

You've never gotten a new video card that was already broken before?

First time for everything, I suppose.


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