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help me with some addons

help me with some addons
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hello any can tell me if know good addons for unit frames or change action bar i use only DBM and mage fever but myabe is good some addons for change my normal actions bar ty for your help
I'd say bartender or dominoes and shadowed unit frames, or maybe xperl.
I'd go with Bartender, then for frame maybe X-perl or pitbull and maybe grid if u dont have it. I recently just changed back to bartender and set it up better lol


ty for the help i use shadowed and dominoes any know if have some addons for change the view and place the minimap ty again for the help
If you got to Razor Nagas website they have a really awesome addon for bars to go with their mouse, but you dont need the mouse to use it, its by far the best addon ive seen for bars, uses very little memory, and dosent cause any conflicts with any other addons.

I use CTRaid on my Commodore 64 . . .
Quote by samgaygangie
I use CTRaid on my Commodore 64 . . .

CTRaid works good on the 8088 as well, just preload from your 5.25 drive


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