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WoTLK Bestiary

WoTLK Bestiary
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Blizzard has just posted a bestiary for their upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Wrath of the Lich King.

Currently, the page is sparsely populated (only details for the Plague Eruptor and Nerubian Vizier currently exist), but presumably we'll be seeing updates roll in as we get closer to the eventual WotLK release.

Those of you who recall the similar bestiary created for the previous WoW expansion (The Burning Crusade) will also remember that it was far from a comprehensive list of beasties found in Outland. In truth, these bestiaries are mostly just an excuse for Blizzard to push their concept art out to the slavering fanbase.

Then again, the concept art is really good, so the fans will probably lap it up as eagerly as they do any other snippet of info from the company.

Nerubian Vizier
Nerubian Vizier
The half-spider, half-humanoid viziers once served as advisors, sorcerers, and seers to the mighty nerubian spiderlords. But in the aftermath of the War of the Spider, the tables turned, and in the vacuum of their collapsed society, the cunning viziers rose to power. Utilizing their sorcery and high intelligence, the viziers have emerged as the rulers of the nerubians' underground kingdom.

It is rumored that the viziers themselves may serve an unseen emperor, one who is destined to lead the ancient spider-people to a final victory over the Scourge. While many can only speculate as to the existence of this nerubian emperor, some continue to investigate the link believed to exist between the nerubians and the vicious insect race known as the qiraji.

Plague Eruptor
Plague eruptors are the latest experiment of the Lich King, designed to spread horror and chaos across the world of the living. These walking corpses have quickly earned a reputation as the most destructive of the Scourge army: hyper-violent, incredibly strong, and deceptively fast. The most terrifying weapons in the eruptors' arsenal are the myriad pulsing nodules that dominate their rotting skin. It is from these nodules that the undead plague festers and bursts, insuring that wherever the eruptors go, they quickly spread the Lich King's apocalyptic contagion.

"Were it so easy." - Arbiter
If someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill them right back. -Malcom Reynolds
You know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with till you know who's in ruttin command. ~Jayne Cobb

i cant wait to kill those things


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