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Blizzard Authenticator Issues

Blizzard Authenticator Issues
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So... I'm trying to get access to zeboom's account again (I had it under authenticator access, then jailbroke my phone... little did i know it would reset the authenticator, making it impossible for me to login).

I talked to customer service and they said they would send me an email posthaste for me to reply back to with a scanned, signed copy of a user agreement and a photo ID.

So.. last night I got the post-support customer service feedback survey email... Still haven't gotten the email thats supposed to help fix things... fuckers. Going to bitch them out again today.

"It's extremely difficult to second guess the American Navy, because the Americans rarely read their doctrine, and don't feel compelled to follow it when they do."
[Attributed to Admiral of the Soviet Fleet, Sergei Gorshkov]

whats jailbroke?

Jailbreaking is a term used to describe disabling some of the restrictions on an iPhone or iTouch so that you can install applications and utilities that are not officially supported by Apple or your provider (AT&T in my case). One advantage is I can now make any ringtone I want, free of charge, whereas, earlier, I had to 1) buy the song from iTunes and 2) pay to convert it to a ringtone. There are a few others, but that's beyond the immediate scope. One side effect of the jailbreaking process is that it requires a restore of the data on the phone... which is explicitly what reset the serial for my authenticator.

"It's extremely difficult to second guess the American Navy, because the Americans rarely read their doctrine, and don't feel compelled to follow it when they do."
[Attributed to Admiral of the Soviet Fleet, Sergei Gorshkov]

I went through this...You may have to bitch at them for a few days. I did.

"If what you're seeing is an open book...Thats great. Well, I'm an open book. But I'm real shy." ~Blue October, "The Answer"
Would it have worked if someone texted you a ringtone?
got it fixed, Zeboom will be returning to the regularly scheduled appearances (duty excepting)

"It's extremely difficult to second guess the American Navy, because the Americans rarely read their doctrine, and don't feel compelled to follow it when they do."
[Attributed to Admiral of the Soviet Fleet, Sergei Gorshkov]

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