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Some 3.1.2 patch notes

Some 3.1.2 patch notes
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Here is what we know so far: it seems like all of the Lake Wintergrasp daily (until now) quests were changed to the weekly format, while the rewards for the honor and the Shards of Stone Keeper were increased in order to counterbalance the changes to Lake Wintergrasp’s now weekly quests. Another major change has been done to the Juggernaut as the critical strike chance bonus is not 100% anymore, now it’s 25%, and I know this will affect many WoW gamers.

Also the WoW Patch 3.1.2 will bring changes to the Jewel of the Sewers - users will now be able to go fish (as one might say) wherever you want in the Dalaran sewers in order to complete the quest. The last major change is the fact that the 10-Player bosses will drop the Recipes of the Runed Orbs. The Bosses will also drop Runed Orbs, but sometimes you will have the chance to ger your hanks on the recipes.

Source: http://www.softsailor.com/news/3129-wow-patch-312-to-go-live-major-changes-found-in-the-patch-notes.html

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