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Gear Ranking by Realm & Guild ** Kewl Links
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Gear Rank Overall Dragon Army


Gear Rank Alexstraza DA Guild


* Crazy F N Bird *
Quote by Pesce
Gear Rank Overall Dragon Army


Gear Rank Alexstraza DA Guild


Where does it say what that is based on? or when it was complied? cause some guilds have entries in more categories than others.....and it can't be that recent since at least one person's spec is wrong...just kinda curious cause a list like that is pretty interesting.
Still trying to figure that out myself. I think folks need to view themselves thru the site to trigger an update.

* Crazy F N Bird *
Quote by Pesce
Still trying to figure that out myself. I think folks need to view themselves thru the site to trigger an update.

Yeah. The info on there was a little old. I had to view myself and then hit the button to sync it with armory to update my gear.

its an interesting site i guess, but unless everyone on the server goes and updates it its going to be really inaccurate. For instance like ellisia said his was old, for some reason some guilds don't have any credit for raid instances they have done alot of....wonder if there's a better place to view that type of info.
view, click resync with armory.

has to be done with each character to be accurate. can be done by someone other than that character.

That's neat stuff, but when Blizzard still doesn't know how to itemize your spec's gear, it makes you look like a clown. You could update with all the arena stuff just because it has a high item level to show a high rating that doesn't necessarily correspond to raid effectiveness.

Well, all that and maybe I should stop wearing so many greens.

You and the Captain make it happen!
Quote by Delrio
That's neat stuff, but when Blizzard still doesn't know how to itemize your spec's gear, it makes you look like a clown. You could update with all the arena stuff just because it has a high item level to show a high rating that doesn't necessarily correspond to raid effectiveness.

Well, all that and maybe I should stop wearing so many greens.


* Crazy F N Bird *
Just to get Del upset somemore

* Crazy F N Bird *
Could you imagine the DPS Del could do with good gear? OMG - Delrio ftw.

* Crazy F N Bird *

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