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so i got a new puter

so i got a new puter
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and holy crap this thing makes the game look awesome. I got a dell tower this week, and finally got wow on it yesterday ( reinstalling wow = PITA ). The graphical quality with the new PC (4GB ram, 256 ATI vid card etc ) is stunning.

The reason I'm posting is I was wondering if anyone had some good suggestions of a place I could run through solo and fraps on the mage. I was thinking Muardon, just so i can show some folks how cool the game looks =)
Yeah I wish this place didnt become graphics capped at a certain lvl. No matter what youre running it only goes as high as everything turned up to highest. Unfortunately due to wows outdated graphics engine it looks good from far but if you get up close stuff starts to get jaggedy. Grats on the puter man. Sounds beastly. But if you want to really show it off go get like Oblvion or Doom or something even dare I say it...Crysis. Thats if you think you can handle the awesomeness of the Crysis visuals and serious slowdown it does to every computer it touches if you turn the stuff up lol

"Men only need to clean 4 places on their body. Armpits, asshole, crotch and teeth. You'll save a lot of time if you only use one brush"
-George Carlin
"My mind is a fucked apart dead thing unless I'm having fun"
-Brad Neely

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