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WoTLK " Wishlist "

WoTLK " Wishlist "
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A World Of Warcraft: Wrath Of The Lich King Wishlist
by Riza Mana

The second expansion to the highly acclaimed, widely popular massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) World of Warcraft – which boasts of 10 million active subscribers at the time of this writing – is coming. Entitled World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, this new installment will finally reintroduce the biggest bad guy in the fictional world of Azeroth: Arthas.

As to when it will arrive, we don’t really know. When pressed for answers about its retail release, Blizzard merely gives its classic reply: “when it’s ready.”

So far, bits of information have been released about the Wrath of the Lich King. Arthas, as we have previously mentioned, will make his long awaited reintegration into the mythos. Blizzard says that Arthas will play significant roles throughout the player’s journey from level 70 to level 80.

Yes, the level cap will be increased.

And so will the level cap for professions, which will stand at 450.

Wrath of the Lich King will likewise introduce the continent of Northrend, home of the Lich King himself. The expansion will also add a hero class, the Death Knight, as well as a new profession, Inscription, for players to enjoy. The expansion will also allow players to customize their characters’ dance routines and hairstyles.

Of course, new 5-man, 10-man and 25-man instances, new weapons and gears, new creatures, new mounts, new skills, new spells, new recipes, and new challenges are a given. A non-instanced battleground for PvPers will also be added… with the introduction of usable siege weapons and destructible environments at that!

These are significant changes, indeed.

But World of Warcraft players are crying for more. After all, the changes may be substantial, but somehow, they feel insufficient. World of Warcraft players want a real expansion, not a patch disguised as one.

Granted that not all of the new features have been revealed, WoW-dedicated forums are abuzz with the things that players want to see in the new expansion. I have collected the most popular of these ideas and came up with a Wrath of The Lich King wishlist.

  • *Player housing. Imagine a nice, cozy home in Goldshire, or a scenic rest house in Azshara overlooking the Naga-infested seashore. Players want houses for their characters, no matter how much gold they will cost. Players also want the option of customizing these houses, like adding a Tauren’s head above the fireplace for example. Alliance FTW!

  • *Frostmourne! There is only one thing that commands the same sense of awe as the prospect of facing the Lich King Arthas, and that is the chance to wield this evil, soul-corrupting sword. It can be made a legendary weapon, or even a temporary one for particular instances like the legendary weapons in TK and BT instances. It doesn’t matter, for as long as players can have the chance, no matter how slim, to actually hold Frostmourne.

  • *Flying mounts in Azeroth. Currently, flying mounts can only be used in the Outlands. Blizzard has previously said that to be able to use flying mounts in Azeroth, a complete reengineering of the old world will be needed. Well, what better way to reengineer the old world than with the release of a brand new expansion?

  • *Gender change. Believe it or not, quite a number of people want a feature that will allow them to change the gender of their characters. Blizzard recently introduced paid name changes, and some players now want paid gender changes as well.

  • *The return of 40-man instances. Though majority of guilds fell in love with the 25-man setup because it is easier to organize, some guilds want the return of the 40-man dungeons because the epic scale of the battles that can be waged.

  • *End game content that is accessible for casual players. Statistics show that only 6% of the total WoW population will ever get to see the Black Temple. Only 3% of the WoW population was able to experience Naxxramas before the release of the Burning Crusade. Most players, those who don’t have time to play the game the whole day, want end game content to be friendlier for casuals.

This wishlist will only get longer as Wrath of the Lich King approaches its release.

But for now, we can only dream some virtual dreams for the future of the virtual world of Azeroth.

Source: http://www.informativepost.com/2008/02/05/A-World-Of-Warcraft-Wrath-Of-The-Lich-King-Wishlist-303.htm

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
*End game content that is accessible for casual players. Statistics show that only 6% of the total WoW population will ever get to see the Black Temple. Only 3% of the WoW population was able to experience Naxxramas before the release of the Burning Crusade. Most players, those who don’t have time to play the game the whole day, want end game content to be friendlier for casuals.

I'm always annoyed by comments like this. I mean what percentage of the population can finish a Rubik's Cube? Things are cool, because not everyone gets to do them. Besides that, we're getting pretty far along, and we hardly play "all day".

Well, maybe some of us do.....

ALSO, the 6% number is NOT of the total wow population, thats from WoWjutsu and its 6% of the top 50 guilds on each server. So it might be less, it might be more than 6% of the total population.

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