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Recruit a Friend to WoW

Recruit a Friend to WoW
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Terms and Conditions:
* To earn the Zhevra mount your friend must register a retail account and pay for their first 60 days of subscription time. World of Warcraft™ characters must reach level 60 before being able to use the Zhevra mount.

** To earn the Free Month of game time your friend must register a retail account and pay for their first 30 days of subscription time

© 2008 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. World of Warcraft, The Burning Crusade, and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the US., and/or other countries.

Recruit a friend link: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/account/recruit-a-friend.html

For more info on Recruiting a friend:

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
There is no way I would tell my friends about this game. It is a recreational past time that will turn into an addiction and slowly eat away at their lives, jobs, families, and relationships.

Then they will start selling things that used to be important to fuel their growing Warcraft habit. They will start checking their guilds forums from work and start reading up on expansion tidbits with childlike wonder. Finally the whores come to town, and that is when........wait, I get a zhevra mount? Oh, holy shit. Nevermind, I'm telling everyone!! I've always wanted to mount a Zhevra..........oh, that didn't come out right either.....

Hmm...I get a fee month if my friend pays for a month? Sounds like if I had a friend who bought the game anew, I could pay for their first month and it would automatically pay for my next month. Neato.


AFK: Attack, Fight, Kill! The healer is telling you to go pull mobs.
WTF: Way To Fight! The healer is applauding your tactical genius.
OOM: Out Of Mobs, go pull more.
"Being around you makes me feel nicer [by comparison]."
"You can't use math to determine (your) spec." - Vomit of Ursin, on rogue class mechanics
not only that but they level to 70 & you get 35 levels free on char of your choice + if in group 3x exp on same or other alt.


Here is some info from a non-raider but multiboxer like me.
Your account is linked for 90 days.
you get 3x the xp for kills AND QUESTS. (till 60)
You can summon one another once an hour.

You get 10 free days if you create a new second..umm friend account.
then you buy the warcraft chest=40$ and you get 30 more days free.
So i just started for testing purposes and found that in the gnome starting area i started 2 locks. Before i left the very first area where you normally get to 5 maybe 6 with grinding....i almost hit 10 on each of them. I got 1500xp for a lvl 4/5 quest. UMMM DAMN.
Well i haven't had time to do anything with it until tonight. I will post again about this.
Even if you are not a multibox(account)er. how much is your time worth. You want a lock/mage/shammy/priest right. Well with this system if you buy an xtra box and have the time within the 40 days you can get there VERY quickly.

I will post tomorrow just how far i got with like 3 to 4 hours played.
there are some pains you have to deal with. One is looting for gathering quests. but i am willing to deal with that to not have to spend THAT much time from 1-60. Even with a guide and a good class your looking at over 4 days play time. 4x24 hours = 96 hours minimum. And at the end of it you can gift a bunch of lvls to another of your alts you havent gotten to 60 yet. WOW.

I am probably going to get a few classes to 60 before the next expansion. Then wait to see. I have read blizz is going to reduce the amount of xp needed (or up the quest xp) to get from 60 -70 when the xpansion comes out. Bring it.

Well if anyone is interested i can keep you updated. I will probably run them through an instance or two for gear. And if anyone wants in just message procpowerlvl...thats my pally tank.
If I could only find someone that I could convince to play so that I could get that cool mount. That'd be awesome. But my girlfriends think I'm nuts for playing a video game and my brother barely knows how to turn a computer on. So unless I make a new account myself...assuming the promotion is still on by the time I get a new home computer...

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear

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