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WoW down for hours...

WoW down for hours...
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'World of Warcraft' patch keeps servers down for hours
The latest patch to the popular online game "World of Warcraft" has led to the game's servers being down for hours longer than expected.

According to Gil Shif, public relations manager for "World of Warcraft" publisher Blizzard Entertainment, the latest major patch to the game--version 1.10, which is designed to adjust the talents of priests--caused some "snags" that have affected the servers going back online as planned.

"It's part of the normal process," said Shif, "and unfortunately, it went a little longer than expected today."

Blizzard regularly devotes Tuesdays to scheduled maintenance and has implemented eight previous major patches, the most recent being version 1.09 in January. But while the company routinely requires server downtime for its patches and maintenance procedures, today's implementation caught it off guard.

"With previous patches, it hasn't taken (this) long," said Shif. "But you never know until you can full identify the issues and take care of it."

In addition, the main "World of Warcraft" Web site was experiencing extended delays Tuesday, but Shif said that had more to do with the site being slammed by users seeking the patch than any kind of technological problem.

And in any case, he said, Blizzard has been providing regular updates throughout the patch process, including notices beforehand that it was imminent.

At 6 p.m. PST Tuesday, Shif said that some servers were beginning to come back online, but that the process of getting all players up and running would be slow.
'World of Warcraft' patch keeps servers down for hours CNET News.com

Source :http://badanimal3.blogspot.com/2006/03/world-of-warcraft-patch-keeps-servers.html

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
I will not tolerate this scape-goating of priests for all of WoWs errors!

It's clearly the shamans fault! they have all those totems that are being rebalanced. I mean thats practically a chord of wood there per shaman.

It is funny to see old news again. I remember servers being off for a few days, a few of them at a time when they were reworking the hardware 4-5 months preBC.


It looked appropriate. I just didn't read the date. But same issue, different patch I guess.

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
Quote by guy
I will not tolerate this scape-goating of priests for all of WoWs errors!

It's clearly the shamans fault! they have all those totems that are being rebalanced. I mean thats practically a chord of wood there per shaman.

And by "rebalanced" I'm sure you mean "exactly the same as always, except that grace of air got combined with strength of earth, windwall got combined with stoneskin, tranquil air was removed because -threat + raidwide affect = lol, and stoneclaw totem still sucks." Also, sentry totem still exists.


AFK: Attack, Fight, Kill! The healer is telling you to go pull mobs.
WTF: Way To Fight! The healer is applauding your tactical genius.
OOM: Out Of Mobs, go pull more.
"Being around you makes me feel nicer [by comparison]."
"You can't use math to determine (your) spec." - Vomit of Ursin, on rogue class mechanics
wow...a patch for a patch...awesome

Best Priest Noob in Town!!

wait, what does sentry totem do again?

p.s. posting from a PSP rocks!


I´ve had my frustrations about the pains of daily life
I´ve tasted degradation and found the lace and candle light
But we have the weights we have the measures of our days and nights
I´ve had my frustrations but now I´ve found my place

And you will make it
But only if you run

Fry your computer looking at porn again Ellisande?

I can relate...


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