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World of Warcraft movie.

World of Warcraft movie.
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Instead of making a million threads on the forums about the Warcraft movie, I'll just start posting stuff in this thread that I see on it. Easier to keep track.

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
The past posts:

World of Warcraft? Is Safe From Uwe Boll
Posted by The Movie God | April 24th, 2008 at 7:15 am

World of Warcraft fans, enjoy a gigantic sigh of relief - Uwe Boll will not be making a movie based on elves and goblins and such going on raid thingys.

MTV Movie Blog has shared with us an amusing tale of the ?little director that could? and his quest to obtain the rights of the WoW story. Entertaining it is indeed.

Boll went into a meeting with Paul Sams of Blizzard Entertainment and pitched his idea for the World of Warcraft movie. Word of the director's skills has apparently begun to finally reach the ears of the people who make these decisions, as Mr. Boll tells us that Sams said, "We will not sell the movie rights, not to you- not ever to you." Boll went on to admit the quality of his movies, saying "Because it's such a big online game success, maybe a bad movie would destroy that ongoing income, what the company has with it."

My God.

Since we covered the petition to oust Uwe Boll a short time ago - which looks as if it won't come anywhere near a million signatures ? I've seen a lot more of the man and I have to say, he is really funny to watch maneuver his way through each of his movies. The movies are still awful, and the comments absurd, but I do enjoy a strong giggle from time to time.

I would have loved to see him tackle Warcraft, personally - just to see how irate the 9,000,000 users of the game would get! Can you imagine, Verne Troyer (a Uwe Boll used actor) as his own character he plays in the game (I'm a Mage!); maybe even William Shatner, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Mr. T would sign. It'd be legendary.

I'm personally not a fan of the game; I've seen what that thing does to people and I agree with Devin from CHUD.com when he called it an "obsessive compulsive disorder." Aside from that, I would love to hear opinions of big fans on what they think of all this.

Source: http://geeksofdoom.com/2008/04/24/world-of-warcraft-is-safe-from-uwe-boll/



World of Warcraft movie update
Author: Clint Morris

MovieholeĆ¢'s Gareth Von Kallenbach was at Blizzcon and had a chance to chat to the chaps behind the exceedingly popular "World of Warcraft" game, namely Prez Mike Morhaime, about whether or not we will ever see the oft-rumoured film version.

We're told "there are still plans for a World of Warcraft movie" and that "the script is being written but if they say anything more than that they will be shot".

In other words, it ain't coming anytime soon - but they'd still like to do it.

Though no director has been set for the movie, the film is said to be set a year before the events of the game and fix on an all-new hero.

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
Sam Raimi Says World of Warcraft Would Make "Brilliant Movie"

After years (no, decades) of trying but failing, Hollywood finally got comic book movies right. Video games haven't fared as well. Director Sam Raimi is responsible for the silver screen version of Spider-Man and offers this insight as to why video games movies, well, suck:

There has been 40 years of different comic books... Writers have had to really get into the characters of the superheroes themselves. They explore their relationships, their loves, their villains, their stories -- there's so much more to draw upon...

In the world of video games, it's usually more of an environment or a scenario, not character-based...but they certainly could [be better]. There's World of Warcraft -- what an awesome video game! It has such great, adventurous characters in it and such fantastic landscapes and rules... You could make a brilliant World of Warcraft movie -- as fine as any of the best superhero movies if you had the right writers and directors.

Source :http://kotaku.com/5065713/sam-raimi-says....brilliant-movie

I wonder, after a statement like that, if Raimi is pitching his interest for directing it or if HE IS directing it...

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
Most everyone knows of my ho-hum stance towards this game,,,BUT i do have a passion for movies. When i say movies I mean, ones involving two girls and just 1 cup,,,,Okay, if they would turn this crap-tastic game into a crap-tastic movie, only two directors could pull it off. Peter Jackson and David Lynch. Jackson is obvious, his ability to pull off The Lord of the Rings was amazing. Yet I would pull for Lynch. His ability to make just messed up movies would be GREAT for this kind of film.
Oh who am i kidding,,,,I would hope for an epic failure! McG needs to direct this bad boy!!!!!!!!


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