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Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide.

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide.
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Found in the rotting diary of Eric Farrington in the dead city of Andorhal…


My beloved home, Andorhal, has fallen victim to an evil plague. I have witnessed the horrors of the Scourge firsthand, and seen unimaginable things. Death was not granted to my loved ones. Instead, everyone I’ve ever known has turned into monsters. Monsters of unfathomable, relentless viciousness!

I thought naught of a few illnesses, a few fevers. We continued to ship out crates of grain to Lordaeron, and we weren’t fearful of this new sickness -- we were confident our healers could handle it. I know now that was foolish, blind.

The denizens of Andorhal turned into vile zombies of the Scourge. These monstrosities no longer held any thoughts or abilities from their mortal lives. Most certain of all, they readily used new powers we had never seen before to further spread the disease and hasten the destruction of the city.

I have been hiding for two days in the sewers, but I must venture out soon to find supplies or possibly a way out of the city to the forests.


Help me, I’ve been bitten!

I cannot believe I was foolish enough to think I could sneak past all of them on the streets. The zombies are everywhere now, and Andorhal is only a shell of its former glory, a sad and twisted remnant of my beautiful home.

I can already feel the disease taking me. May the light bless me as I go to be with my family and friends once again. I’m not sure how much longer I can keep my sanity. I am weak. I hunger, and must eat…



The Scourge Invasion is upon us! Prepare yourself for the deadly onslaught of the Scourge, unleashed upon Azeroth and all its denizens.


Q: How do I become a zombie?
A: Disease-infected crates are scattered throughout the cities of Azeroth, spreading a sickness that transforms its sufferers into zombies. And of course, when zombies attack, their victims can be afflicted by the disease as well.

Q: How do you stop being a zombie?
A: The disease can be cured by other players who can cast ‘Cure Disease’ or by special healer NPCs in the cities. Once the disease has run its course and a character has become a zombie, the only cure is death.

Q: Can I become a zombie again?
A: Yes.

Q: As a zombie, what are some things I can/cannot do?
A: You can no longer cast the spells/abilities that you had as a normal character, and formerly friendly NPCs now consider you an enemy. You can, however, cast new, unique zombie spells.

Q: Anything else I should know while being a zombie?
A: As a zombie, you are part of a special faction that is friendly with all zombies and can converse with them, regardless of whether they were part of the Horde or Alliance in their mortal existences.


I´ve had my frustrations about the pains of daily life
I´ve tasted degradation and found the lace and candle light
But we have the weights we have the measures of our days and nights
I´ve had my frustrations but now I´ve found my place

And you will make it
But only if you run

How did the undercity raid go, i dc'd & then figured bed was a good alternative.


So I guess you can't "cure disease" yourself...hm.
Is it possible to avoid the infection if you have a disease totem down?

"If we ever get a dog and cat, they should be named "Come-on" and "Goddammit", so that when you yell "Come on, Goddammit!" you'll be surrounded by their love." -Locklear (paraphrased)

"You navigate like a blind chick." -Locklear
yeah when infected you don't zombify for 10 mins. During which time any pally/priest/disease cleaner can rid the disease, and afterwhich you metamorph into a brain sucking zomby


Quote by Isadoriana
So I guess you can't "cure disease" yourself...hm.
Is it possible to avoid the infection if you have a disease totem down?

Shamans can cleanse themselves. The disease has a high resistance to player-based removal, and may count as a level 80 spell for purposes of removal. So you'll probably have to spam cure disease to get any affect. Those asshat argent dawn healers will cleanse you if you get to close to them with a 100% success rate though, so avoid them if you want to devour brains (and believe me, you want this).


AFK: Attack, Fight, Kill! The healer is telling you to go pull mobs.
WTF: Way To Fight! The healer is applauding your tactical genius.
OOM: Out Of Mobs, go pull more.
"Being around you makes me feel nicer [by comparison]."
"You can't use math to determine (your) spec." - Vomit of Ursin, on rogue class mechanics
Apparently the disease is becoming resistant to player based clease, to the point where it doesn't work at all, this is getting interesting.

I´ve had my frustrations about the pains of daily life
I´ve tasted degradation and found the lace and candle light
But we have the weights we have the measures of our days and nights
I´ve had my frustrations but now I´ve found my place

And you will make it
But only if you run

In case you missed it, Austin, Tx was one step away from the Zombie apocolypse & here's a helpful site. http://www.zombiesurvivalwiki.com/?t=anon">Zombie Wiki


Zombie Road Signs Attack Austin!

(Jan. 29) – The Austin, Texas, commute turned surreal this week after hackers replaced official traffic warnings on digital signs with some of their own.
"Zombies ahead! Run for your lives!" read one altered sign, according to KXAN in Austin.

The pranksters apparently cut the padlocks that guard the computers on each individual sign, the local media reported, and hacked the computer password. The new signs went up Monday morning.
No zombies were actually sighted. The most obvious problem seemed to be rubber-necking drivers slowing down to photograph the fright-fest warnings.
Nevertheless, officials were quick to take the hooligans to task.
"This is really serious, and it is a crime," Sara Hartley, a spokeswoman for the city Public Works Department, told KXAN.
"It's sort of amusing, but not at all helpful," said Chris Lippincott, spokesman for the state Department of Transportation, according to Fox News. The network noted that tampering with road signs is a misdemeanor crime.
The hackers didn't make fixes easy for officials, either. The Dallas Morning News reported that after changing the signs, they changed the passwords, too.


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