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A Warcraft player is stabbed over noise...

A Warcraft player is stabbed over noise...
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Some guy stabbed someone else because he was playing World of Warcraft too loudly
By Nicholas Dele on October 28th

Kids, when your friend asks you to lower the volume of your computer while you’re playing World of Warcraft please do so as soon as possible. Because if you don’t you might end up getting stabbed. In the head. With a chef’s knife.

That’s exactly what happened in Australia. The victim is doing about as well as one could after being attacked with a knife; only one of his fingers was “nearly” severed.

As for the guy doin’ the stabbing, the Australian magistrate has refused him bail. He’ll be in custody till next month, meaning he may well miss the launch of Wrath of the Lich King.

Source : http://www.crunchgear.com/2008/10/28/some-guy-stabbed-someone-else-because-he-was-playing-world-of-warcraft-too-loudly/

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