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Best Buy counts down LK release

Best Buy counts down LK release
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Best Buy(R) Counts Down the Arrival of Wrath of the Lich King(TM) in New York City
World of Warcraft(R) Players to Meet Blizzard Entertainment(R) Developers and Be Among First to Obtain Their Copy at an Exclusive Launch Celebration

Last update: 5:00 a.m. EST Nov. 10, 2008
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov 10, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Alliance and Horde members will converge on the Best Buy at 44th Street and 5th Avenue to take part in the highly anticipated midnight launch of Blizzard Entertainment(R)'s World of Warcraft(R): Wrath of the Lich King(TM). The celebration, starting at 8 p.m. Eastern Time on Nov. 12 at the Best Buy store near Times Square, is the premiere developer meet-and-greet in the U.S. for the popular World of Warcraft game and the only such event on the East Coast.
The event includes appearances by Blizzard Entertainment cofounders Mike Morhaime, CEO, and Frank Pearce, executive vice president of product development. In addition, a number of the game's developers will be available to meet players and sign copies of the game. Geoff Keighley, videogame TV host, will emcee the evening that will feature interviews, trivia and prize giveaways.
With more than 11 million subscribers, World of Warcraft is the most popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game in the world. Wrath of the Lich King is the game's second expansion. For more information on the game visit www.WorldofWarcraft.com.
In addition to the original game and both expansions, players can purchase 60-day World of Warcraft subscription cards at Best Buy.
"At Best Buy, we're passionate about helping gamers get the most enjoyment from their gaming systems -- from having the latest releases to a full complement of gaming platforms, accessories, electronics and services," said Jill Hamburger, Best Buy vice president games and movies. "Our newly introduced Reward Zone Gamers Club provides additional benefits and amazing experiences for our most loyal customers who love gaming."
Reward Zone(R) program Gamers Club is a specialty expansion of Best Buy's Reward Zone Loyalty Program. For every $150 spent on qualifying gaming software and accessories (certain exclusions apply) Reward Zone program Gamers Club members will receive 500 points/$10 reward certificates, in addition to their regular Reward Zone program points, that can be used on almost everything within the store. Additional membership benefits include special offers on game software and accessories, information on the latest gaming trends and hints and cheats for popular games to maximize the gaming experience. Members may also receive special access to invitation only gaming events hosted by Best Buy.

Source: http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/Best-BuyR-Counts-Down-Arrival/story.aspx?guid=%7B2FD54CE2-FFC2-4039-A1FC-80637773CD9B%7D

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