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Pilgrim's Bounty *3.2 added WoW event*

Pilgrim's Bounty *3.2 added WoW event*
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New World of Warcraft world event
June 24, 10:02 AM

The upcoming World of Warcraft patch notes for 3.2 Call of the Crusade show achievements for a new World Event, called Pilgrim's Bounty. The event is modeled after, and contains themes from Thanksgiving. Achievements are still in the test phase, and are bound to change. Before the Children's Week patch, there was an achievement listed to kill one of each race of the opposing faction while they had their orphan out. This was changed, probably because all they had to do was dismiss their orphan and players would not be able to obtain the achievement.

A few things can be inferred about what Blizzard wants to do with Pilgrim's Bounty. There will be pilgrim clothes. Several achievements require a pilgrim's hat and another article of clothing equipped. There will be feasts in the capital cities. Achievements are for sitting at the feast tables in your own faction's capitals, and for sitting at the feasts in the opposing faction’s capitals. Expect people to combine these with For the Alliance or For the Hoard achievements. There will be new dailies. And, there will be new recipes, and these will all have to be learned and cooked for an achievement. Will cooks now be able to obtain potatoes, turkey meat, and ingredients for stuffing?

The event will focus on the three main aspects of Thanksgiving, pilgrims, eating a lot of food, and turkeys. For completing the Meta-achievement, by completing all of the other Pilgrim's Bounty achievements, players will received the title Pilgrim before their name, and also receive a Turkey non-combat pet. Mini-pet collectors who are not title collectors will be doing these as well.

The biggest question about this new world event is how it will affect the achievement What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been. This requires the player to complete all of the holiday world events. As it is listed now, if a player completed every world event when it was first available for achievements, the final world event will be Brewfest, scheduled for the end of September/beginning of October. If Pilgrim's Bounty occurs alongside Thanksgiving, it will start around November 26. This will push back getting the Violet Proto Drake for nearly two months. Players who have been working hard to receive this may not like this ever-moving finish line.

Source: http://www.examiner.com/x-14467-SF-MMORPG-Examiner~y2009m6d24-New-World-of-Warcraft-world-event

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