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Expect two Blizzard releases in 2010

Expect two Blizzard releases in 2010
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Expect two Blizzard releases in 2010

One is StarCraft II, but Blizzard won't confirm Diablo III.

In the past Blizzard has said it intends to put out one major release each year, but how does the delay of StarCraft II affect this schedule? During Activision Blizzard's Q2 earnings call last night an Analyst asked if it means we will see both StarCraft II and Diablo III in 2010.

“I would just like to reiterate that we haven’t announced any release dates on any future titles,” responded Blizzard president Michael Morhaime. “And I will also reiterate that the move of StarCraft into next year does not impact the schedule and so it would be correct to conclude that you could expect two releases of Blizzard next year but I would not make any conclusion on what those titles are going to be.”

It had been widely thought that Diablo III would be released in 2010, but likewise a new expansion for World of Warcraft could also be on the cards.

Source : http://www.virginmedia.com/games/gamingnews/news-story.php?storyid=40832872

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