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Europe Blizz support down

Europe Blizz support down
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World of Warcraft asks Europeans to please speaka da English
By Drew Cullen
26th October 2007 22:03 GMT

The lights have gone out and no-one is at home at World of Warcraft's European customer support site, right now. In a message posted to a WoW support forum, a "technical issue and subsequent loss of electricity" is blamed for the outage.

An earlier forum post, now vanished into the ether, mentioned a "water hazard", a Reg reader tells us. Make what you will of that.

So if you live in Europe and you play World of Warcraft on a Friday evening and you have billing or technical issues, be, err, patient.

And if you need in-game support, then Blizzard reps from other offices around the World of Warcraft are there to help, although there may be some delays. We assume that the customer support firefighters are based mostly in America, as Blizzard says it would "assist our international teams if players could submit their tickets in English".

That should be easy enough for you to manage - you got this far, non? ®


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