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WoW movie snippet (rumor)

WoW movie snippet (rumor)
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Primary: [Warcraft Web News]
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Speculation that world of warcraft (WOW) movie is based on Alsace, and will be released in 2011.

The world's largest Internet Movie data website IMDB revealed some information - in the presentation of WOW movie, the name of movie is now known called "Warcraft: Rise of the Lich King ". It is expected to be released in 2011 (United States).

Now this news has not yet been officially confirmed by Blizzard, perhaps it is because of the official novel "Alsace: Rise of the Lich King" , which caused misunderstanding of IMDB staff and confusing the title of the novel with the movie name, but it can not exclude the authenticity.

WOW movie will be directed by the director of "Spider-Man" Sam Raimi, and will cooperate with a number of movie circle public figures. The "Alsace: Rise of the Lich King" is Blizzard's official press novel, which is created by Christie Golden.


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